Sunday, August 12, 2007

Baby Graduations

Today was Lily's first time in the "Crawlers" nursery. She was, as the church put it, promoted, from the infant room. When we got the letter indicating that babies around her age would be moved up this week, I couldn't help but feel my heart squeeze a little bit. It's not the only "graduation" she's faced recently. The baby swing is prepped to go into the attic. We've lowered her crib mattress. And we decided she'd probably over stayed her time in the baby bath.

You know, the oft-refered to but identity deprived "they" always tell you that it will be hard to let go. I don't think anybody told me the letting go would need to begin so soon. I know it sounds silly given that each day is more fun as she meets the world around her, but each day also leads us ever further down the trail away from these precious, sweet days of babyhood, a path that cannot be re-walked. But we dance as we go, and I'll admit, a twirl or two is even thrown in as I realize that I have recently not had to keep a bib on her every waking hour, and I can even sit down for a feeding and not panic in the middle when I realize I have forgotten the burp rag. Reflux is one thing this mom is not having a terribly hard time letting go of!

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