Monday, July 30, 2007

Eight Months

This is me at eight months. I crawl now, I have six teeth and am probably working on getting more. I weigh about 14 1/2 pounds and I am a very fun, very good baby. My life is great!

Things I Love - Part X

I love several things that start with the letter 'B'
My blankie
Baby Einstein DVDs, especially Baby Mozart. Mom and Dad think it's funny because I can barely pry my eyes away from it when they come into the room. My gaze darts back and forth very quickly trying to see them and my show.

Things I Love - Part IX

I love going to the swimming pool, and I love my cool pink shades!

Things I Love - Part VIII

I love the Johnny Jump-Up! Really, I do. I was just tired the first time I used it! I haven't fallen asleep in it since.

Things I Love - Part VII

My face doesn't show it, but I love this outfit! OK, well, Mom loves it, and I love whatever she loves at this point, right? But we better not continue blogging outfits Mom loves, because that would take all day!

Things I Love - Part VI

I love eating solid food! :)

Things I Love - Part V

I love my hair! And my crazy dad, although, believe it or not, I'm pretty sure it was my crazy mom who did this to me!

Things I Love - Part IV

I love, love, love my baths! This is me as a bathing beauty at about 6 months, then again at about 8 months.

Things I Love - Part III

I love Grandparents! I love how much they love me. I don't love how far away they live!

Things I Love - Part II

I love my cousins! (I love my hat too!) This is my cousin, Karli, who I saw the most recently, but it was a couple of months ago. I also love my cousins Mason, Jackson, and Halle. Man, I wish I could see all those guys! They are so fun!

Things I Love - Part I

I love going on hikes with Mom and Dad. I especially love it when Dad lets me lead the way! This was when I was a little over 5 months old.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Little Firecracker

On the Fourth we took in the local parade; complete with The Lawnmower Brigade. Gotta love living in a tiny town! Uncle Bobby and Aunt Misti came over for a cookout and yard games, then we all took in the fireworks close up.

Almost Crawling

The stages we've gone through so far...
1. Push up on arms, propell self backwards. (pics 1 and 2)
2. Develop remarkably good push-up position on hands and toes (picture 3)
3. Get on hands and knees and rock. (picture 4) then push off with big toe and propell little body over the arms, collapsing in a heap. (The only picture documentation of this is with a naked picture, didn't want to publish!)