Saturday, October 6, 2007


What the...

Don't worry, it's not what you think.

Just a rolled up piece of packaging she found on the floor. See earlier post where we mentioned she's a lot like a puppy dog.

Baby in a Basket

Our Little Flapper

At least I thought she kind of looked like a flapper.

Doggy bag

What a clever girl, just wear the to-go bag around your neck! No waiting at the end of the meal, it's all wrapped up and ready to go as soon as you're finished. Of course, Lilyanna often doesn't wait till later, when we take her tray away and she spots the "leftovers", she digs right in for them! If she liked them, that is.


These are a few of Lilyanna's nine month pictures (mid-August) that I didn't get posted yet. It's getting more and more impossible to have her "sit" for pictures, particularly if she can see the camera. She just wants to come get it. I see that Semptember went by and not a single new post, so I guess I'll play catch up. Enjoy this and the next several posts, as it will just be a picture documentary of the last month or so.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ever the Adventurer

There are few unconquered heights (height at this point means 12 inches or less!) and even fewer undiscovered corners in our house. If she can crawl/climb under it, over it, through it, behind it or in it, she does. It seemed Lilyanna stretched her boundaries all in one day. She had remained basically in a small circle that encompassed her toys in the living room and the entrance to the kitchen. Then one day...she navigated her way into and out of all the nooks and crannies created by the couches. She climbed up onto and over the elevated base of her exersaucer. She discovered that the kitchen extends beyond her highchair. Now she's like a little puppy dog, following us down the hall, nosing around under beds and yep, finding food scraps on the kitchen floor.

What a joy it is to watch her discover her world. She gets a googly-eyed smile when I pick her up in my room and she sees little trinkets on my shelf. By the look on her face you'd think they were pure gold. Trust me, they aren't. She's mesmerized for minutes by the movement of a hinged dresser drawer pull. There is a discovery around every corner for her at this point, how lucky we are to be witness to it.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Baby Graduations

Today was Lily's first time in the "Crawlers" nursery. She was, as the church put it, promoted, from the infant room. When we got the letter indicating that babies around her age would be moved up this week, I couldn't help but feel my heart squeeze a little bit. It's not the only "graduation" she's faced recently. The baby swing is prepped to go into the attic. We've lowered her crib mattress. And we decided she'd probably over stayed her time in the baby bath.

You know, the oft-refered to but identity deprived "they" always tell you that it will be hard to let go. I don't think anybody told me the letting go would need to begin so soon. I know it sounds silly given that each day is more fun as she meets the world around her, but each day also leads us ever further down the trail away from these precious, sweet days of babyhood, a path that cannot be re-walked. But we dance as we go, and I'll admit, a twirl or two is even thrown in as I realize that I have recently not had to keep a bib on her every waking hour, and I can even sit down for a feeding and not panic in the middle when I realize I have forgotten the burp rag. Reflux is one thing this mom is not having a terribly hard time letting go of!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Eight Months

This is me at eight months. I crawl now, I have six teeth and am probably working on getting more. I weigh about 14 1/2 pounds and I am a very fun, very good baby. My life is great!

Things I Love - Part X

I love several things that start with the letter 'B'
My blankie
Baby Einstein DVDs, especially Baby Mozart. Mom and Dad think it's funny because I can barely pry my eyes away from it when they come into the room. My gaze darts back and forth very quickly trying to see them and my show.

Things I Love - Part IX

I love going to the swimming pool, and I love my cool pink shades!

Things I Love - Part VIII

I love the Johnny Jump-Up! Really, I do. I was just tired the first time I used it! I haven't fallen asleep in it since.

Things I Love - Part VII

My face doesn't show it, but I love this outfit! OK, well, Mom loves it, and I love whatever she loves at this point, right? But we better not continue blogging outfits Mom loves, because that would take all day!

Things I Love - Part VI

I love eating solid food! :)

Things I Love - Part V

I love my hair! And my crazy dad, although, believe it or not, I'm pretty sure it was my crazy mom who did this to me!

Things I Love - Part IV

I love, love, love my baths! This is me as a bathing beauty at about 6 months, then again at about 8 months.

Things I Love - Part III

I love Grandparents! I love how much they love me. I don't love how far away they live!

Things I Love - Part II

I love my cousins! (I love my hat too!) This is my cousin, Karli, who I saw the most recently, but it was a couple of months ago. I also love my cousins Mason, Jackson, and Halle. Man, I wish I could see all those guys! They are so fun!

Things I Love - Part I

I love going on hikes with Mom and Dad. I especially love it when Dad lets me lead the way! This was when I was a little over 5 months old.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Little Firecracker

On the Fourth we took in the local parade; complete with The Lawnmower Brigade. Gotta love living in a tiny town! Uncle Bobby and Aunt Misti came over for a cookout and yard games, then we all took in the fireworks close up.

Almost Crawling

The stages we've gone through so far...
1. Push up on arms, propell self backwards. (pics 1 and 2)
2. Develop remarkably good push-up position on hands and toes (picture 3)
3. Get on hands and knees and rock. (picture 4) then push off with big toe and propell little body over the arms, collapsing in a heap. (The only picture documentation of this is with a naked picture, didn't want to publish!)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Keeping up with the little one

I (Amber) have decided to start a blog for Lilyanna. I think it might be a fun and perhaps better way of sharing with family and friends, especially those who are far away, updates and pictures of our precious girl. So here she is, Lilyanna Caroline at 7 months. (June 18, 2007)